Eldersburg Elementary School
ABC Care Center – Eldersburg Elementary School
The ABC Care Center at Eldersburg Elementary is a MD EXCELS Level 3 and three-time nationally accredited program providing enriching learning activities, team building exercises and group games for students. The daily routine provides quiet homework time, STEM, social studies, language arts and creative expression activities as well as supervised free play in the school’s large gymnasium, outdoor playground and blacktop areas. Our extended afternoon hours give children more time to experience all that ABC Care has to offer including more complex art and science projects and extra time outdoors for more active time.
This Location Meets
NAA & COA Standards

Park near the rear of the school or playground. Come through the fence and use door #16A. Use doorbell at glass door for admission.
1021 Johnsville Road
Eldersburg, MD 21784
Eldersburg, MD 21784
(410) 795-6110
6:45 am – School Start
School Dismissal – 6:15 pm
School Dismissal – 6:15 pm
License # 33585
Established 1990
Established 1990
Meet Your Site Director
Casey Pack is our Site Director at Mechanicsville Elementary School. Casey started with ABC Care in 2021 as an assistant. Casey is currently attending classes at Carroll Community College to receive her associate in early childhood education. When Casey is not working or attending school, she enjoys spending time with her family. Casey also enjoys spending time hiking in the mountains and getting lost in reading a good book.