Sacred Heart School of Glyndon
ABC Care Center – Sacred Heart School of Glyndon
The nationally accredited, MD EXCELS Level 1 ABC Care Center at Sacred Heart serves over 75 families, including pre-kindergarten students ages 3 and 4 through middle school age students. The program strives to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The children work on age-appropriate daily art activities, math and science projects, and enjoy extended homework time promoting academic success. Our activities promote creativity with multiple student produced “shows” performed throughout the year by all ages. Students also enjoy both team games and free play time in the school’s large gymnasium or outdoors on the large playground.
This Location Meets
COA Standards

Park in the lot at the back of the school. Once at the gym lobby doors (closest to road), use walkie talkie to alert staff you have arrived.
63 Sacred Heart Lane
Glyndon, MD 21071
Glyndon, MD 21071
(410) 833-9427
After School Only!
School Dismissal – 6:15 pm
School Dismissal – 6:15 pm
License #57330
Established 1995
Established 1995